Let me begin with all the current “must be saids” about the “current thing.” Yes, Putin is a “bad guy.” He started a war that will kill thousands if it hasn’t already, governs like a dictator (though an effective one, it should be noted), and I’m an American patriot that sides with the US of A over the Russian Federation (though we’re not at war with Holy Russia, the Ukraine is).
Still, despite that, it’s possible for a “bad guy” to do something kinda funny, even if it makes you weep for our nation. And Putin recently did so when it humiliated Kamala in what could only have been an intentional slight.
You see, firing back at the “crippling” Western sanctions placed on the Russian Federation in the wake of its invasion of the Ukraine, the Russian Federation decided to sanction America’s top leaders, with TASS reporting that the Russian Foreign Ministry imposed “personal sanctions against representatives of the U.S. leadership and persons associated with them.”
Describing why the sanctions were levied, the report said that they came “in response to a series of unprecedented sanctions prohibiting, among other things, entry into the United States for top officials of the Russian Federation.”
All in all, 13 American leaders were sanctioned. They are, Fox reports:
“President Biden, Hunter Biden, Clinton, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, national security adviser Jake Sullivan, CIA Director William Burns, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, White House press secretary Jen Psaki, deputy assistant national security adviser Duleep Singh, Director of the Agency for International Development Samantha Power, Deputy Treasury Secretary Adewale Adeyemo and president and chairman of the Export-Import Bank Reta Joe Lewis.”
So, how’s that a slight against Kamala Harris, the vapid veep Biden sent to Europe in the sure-to-be vain hope that she’ll solve the crisis?
Re-read the list of the 13 Americans that were sanctioned by the Russians. Hunter the former crackhead and Biden bagman is on there, as are Jen Psaki and Clinton.
But who’s missing? (continued)