Seven Topics In American Culture–
Most of us refuse to be offended on anyone’s terms but our own. I think I have a high tolerance level, so I am rarely shocked or surprised, though I reserve the right to be disappointed.
Amazon has a dozen or so operating locations being unionized and there doesn’t appear to be a slowing of its ruthless efficiency. That’s a good thing and the choice of its employees. Warehouse work is donkey work and shift work is a scramble and fight every day.
The union sound bites are pure gold: “Bezos goes to outer space while we work in his hell on earth.” Genuine and effective. Bezos cannot pick up and move his operations as Amazon profitability is contingent on fast, short service.
Bezos and his team may continue to fight the union hammer and tong but organizing is inevitable as the lowest rung on the economic ladder doing repetitive fungible work will always be somewhat abused in the name of service and production. I suspect that Bezos will soon let it ride – he has other ambitions, like the presidency. We could do worse. We have done much worse. Owning The Washington Post is an ancillary perk, too.
Boys playing girls’ sports. Ridiculous, and I cannot fathom why this is even discussable, let alone debatable. A close friend of mine shouted at me a week ago, “It’s only four!” when conversing about another governor caving to letting males compete in female high school sports, in this case, Utah. I gently explained that it is not only four boys, it’s the four girls who got cut from their respective teams. It’s the four girls every meet or match or game who will not place because a boy beat them.
I would have more respect if a boy who wants to be a girl did so while competing as a boy. I am no doctor, but any boy has the benefit of testosterone coursing through his frame for years building larger and stronger bones and the capacity for dense muscles with little stored fat. He has never had a menstrual cycle (continued)
Seven Topics In American Culture
This post originally appeared on The Blue State Conservative.