In an earlier essay, I mentioned one of the most serious offenses of the Biden regime: the silencing and deplatforming of leading journalists and medical professionals who were vaccine skeptics by Big Tech and Big Media was done at the direction of the U.S. federal government.
The American people now have further proof of this tyrannical behavior, and it’s thanks to the Substack column of a fired Forbes reporter named Adam Andrzejewski that was first covered by The National Pulse. The gist of the story is that the Forbes reporter broke significant stories about Dr. Fauci and so the NIH had multiple officials contact Forbes executives to complain about the reporter:
Two directors, two bureau chiefs, and two top PR officers didn’t send an email to the Forbes’ chief on a Sunday morning because they wanted to correct the record about Fauci’s travel reimbursements.
They sent that email to subliminally send a message: We don’t like Andrzejewski’s oversight work, and we want you to do something about it.
Unfortunately, Forbes folded quickly.
Within 24 hours of the NIH email to Randall Lane, my regular Forbes editor called and announced new rules. Forbes barred me from writing about Fauci and mandated pre-approval for all future topics.
Then, Forbes went silent and terminated my column roughly 10 days later on January 28.
Here’s the email sent to Forbes by government officials at NIH. Notice that the corrections requested by NIH are not just inaccurate— they’re trivial when you recall that NIH has refused to divulge any details regarding Fauci’s salary and his various non-disclosure agreements to the public.
It gets worse: on the day that the Forbes reporter had his column canceled, Forbes ran a pro-Fauci column in its place.
The deplatforming of Adam Andrzejewski at Forbes for writing articles that were critical of Dr. Fauci follows closely on the heels of Fox News deplatforming the journalist Lara Logan for criticizing Dr. Fauci as well. This leads to an obvious question: which government officials called Fox News to complain about Lara Logan?
Why would news organizations heed the calls of government officials to punish journalists who reported the truth anyway? The answer, of course, is money. Lots of money. Most of our media outlets were bribed by the Biden regime with taxpayer money to run the largest and most extensive Big Pharma propaganda campaign ever conducted. Hundreds of media outlets took, collectively, one billion dollars of taxpayer money to provide pro-vaccine coverage and suppress any criticism of the deadly jabs. It looks like American media outlets are suppressing their own journalists at the direction of government officials because they took the Biden regime’s money. In other words: they’re obligated — perhaps even contractually obligated — to do so.
How many media outlets did U.S government officials contact in the last year to silence journalists? What are the odds that this government-directed silencing of Adam Andrzejewski at Forbes was the only time it happened?
The odds are zero.
This post originally appeared here at Emerald Robinson.