It’s Time to Join: Project Sentinel
I’ve teamed up with a group of extraordinary national security experts. We’re talking about CIA, DIA, Green Berets, Delta Force, SEAL Team 6.
They call themselves: Project Sentinel.
Don’t miss the weekly intelligence summaries, the monthly INTSUMs, and the special member-only podcasts that explain how the U.S. government has been weaponized against its own citizens. These are intelligence products of the highest caliber, produced by the best of the best.
If you are a Free Subscriber, click the button below and then pick FOUNDING MEMBER ($210) to join Project Sentinel.
If you are a Paid Subscriber already, get full access to Project Sentinel by upgrading your membership to FOUNDING MEMBER. Just click on the button below and choose FOUNDING MEMBER and enter $140 as the amount — instead of the regular price of $210. Click here for a step-by-step guide to upgrading your membership.
In a few hours, we will publish a global-exclusive story as part of the new Project Sentinel: the contents of the last Intelligence Summary (INTSUM) sent to the Trump Administration during the final days of 2020.
Free subscribers will not see it. Regular paid members will not see it either. Only FOUNDING MEMBERS of Emerald’s Substack newsletter will be able to read this document!
You will discover: the Trump Administration was warned repeatedly about ANTIFA and BLM and COVID-19 in 2019 and 2020 — and all these warnings were ignored by Trump’s national security team.
The question — four years later — remains the same: why?
The contents of this INTSUM were circulated among members of the Trump Administration’s National Security Council (NSC) in 2020.
These same people were also warned to designate ANTIFA and BLM as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) in 2019 and told to invoke the Insurrection Act in 2020 — and they did nothing.
Don’t miss this world-exclusive story published for the first time on Emerald Robinson’s Substack newsletter.
Join as a FOUNDING MEMBER right now!
This post originally appeared here at Emerald Robinson.