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The rampant corruption of America’s rigged election systems is even more comically obvious this time around in 2023 — than it was in 2021 and 2020.
The voting machines in Pennsylvania were flipping votes for judges of course.
From the AP story: Despite the glitch on the printed summary, voters’ actual choices were properly recorded by the machines’ backend system, and their votes will be tabulated accurately, Dertinger said Thursday afternoon at a news conference in Easton.
“What you read and what the computer reads are two different things. The computer does not read the text that is printed out,” he said.
The issue affected all the county’s voting machines in use Tuesday, estimated at more than 300.
Just stop a moment and absorb what the utterly corrupt AP is admitting to you:
“…actual choices were properly recorded by the machines’ backend system…”
“What you read and what the computer reads are two different things…”
“Don’t worry about it,” the local election authorities basically told voters who caught the rigging in Pennsylvania.
Your votes will be re-flipped by the computer’s back-end system.
The voting machines were “not working” in Houston, Texas too.
The voting machines were also “acting funny” in New Jersey — probably by accidentally telling voters the truth!
There were problems with the voting machines in 18 states yesterday.
The state of Kentucky pulled a play from Georgia’s 2020 election (recall the phantom “pipe break”incident) and it cleared out a precinct due to a supposed “gas leak.” A Jefferson County circuit judge ordered the entire voting precinct of Louisville to be shut down — because somebody reported a “leak” at Highland Baptist Church.
That happened and then this happened: a Democrat governor won in a red state even though Republicans won all the way down the ballot.
Does this scenario sound familiar to you? It should, since you’re watching the same playbook for the third time in four years.
My prediction for 2024: you’re going to see a whole lot more of these shenaningans twelve months from now.
There will be gas leaks and water pipe explosions and power outages and “malfunctioning” voting machines like you’ve never seen before.
Get ready.
I Need Your Help!
I was the first reporter to tell you that Dr. Fauci funded the Wuhan Lab. Then I was banned from Twitter in 2021 because I warned you about the untested COVID vaccines. Then left-wing hate groups targeted me in Washington Post articles to keep me banned on social media forever.
Now Smartmatic and Dominion want to search through my emails and telephone records.
It’s very expensive to prepare for litigation, and discovery, in these massive lawsuits brought by the voting machine companies. (Fox News paid out almost $800 million just last year.) They try to bankrupt and silence conservative journalists by dragging them through court proceedings for years.
Independent and fearless journalists need your support like never before.
I need your support like never before.
If we are going to survive the current regime then we must stand together.
I’ve got your back. Do you have mine?
This post originally appeared here at Emerald Robinson.