Dems’ Outrageous Strong Arming-
Late on Friday night, when most of us were either sound asleep or out kicking off the weekend with some partying, Democrats at the Illinois statehouse in Springfield were busy trying to save their jobs by bullying owners of gas stations.
In the wee hours of Saturday morning, lawmakers in the Land of Lincoln put forth and passed a controversial and probably unconstitutional bill requiring gas stations to post stickers on their gasoline pumps. The stickers will laud the efforts of the Democrat-controlled legislature by stating the following;
“As of July 1, 2022, the State of Illinois has suspended the inflation adjustment to the motor fuel tax through December 31, 2022. The price on this pump should reflect the suspension of the tax increase.”
If the law was demanding some type of critical safety notification to be posted, it might be understandable. If it were pushing some type of message about the evils of climate change, the bill would be propagandistic and problematic, but relatively inoffensive. But to pass a bill requiring everyone to see your self-promotional marketing material every time they put gas in their tank is outrageous.
Additionally, grocery stores will be required to post similar signage calling attention to the suspension of a “grocery tax.”
Not surprising is the timing of the effective date of the bill. It would start in July, about four months before Election Day, and end about eight weeks after the election. Hmmm. Furthermore, consider that the majority of the legislature will be on the ballot in November, along with Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker, and the logic behind the timetable is no longer curious, it’s obvious. Democrats are looking to legally compel private businesses to post campaign advertising material on their property under the threat of government force; those not complying with the law’s requirements will face fines of over $65,000.
What’s particularly interesting is the gas tax itself. With skyrocketing gas prices thanks to the ineptitude of President Biden and Congressional Democrats, and with Bidenflation (continued)
This post originally appeared on The Blue State Conservative.