CNN’s resident tater is the personification of living in an alternate universe. He refuses reality whenever possible and comes to conclusions based on his predetermined worldview. His nightly program, which was somehow given to him and somehow remains televised despite no inclination of ever being right about anything, provides a daily update on this cluelessness.
Nothing, however, might ever top his explanation in a Q&A forum ironically addressing media trust and defending democracy. “Defending Democracy” is the new “Never Forget,” “We’re In This Together,” and other such propagandized slogans meant to misdirect the sheepish masses.
The video is two minutes long and worth every second. The student asking the question, just a college freshman, sounds more intelligent, reasonable, and insightful than any puppet trotted out in the entire leftist bubble. His question is worthy of an award. Conversely, Stelter’s response deserves our wholesale derision.
Take a watch here:
Freshman Christopher Phillips CALLS OUT Brian Stelter and CNN for being a “purveyor of disinformation.” He points to the Russian collusion hoax, Jussie Smollett, the smears of Justice Kavanaugh and Nick Sandmann, and their dismissal of Hunter Biden’s laptop.
— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) April 7, 2022
“You’ve all spoken extensively about Fox News being a purveyor of disinformation. But CNN is right up there with them.
They pushed the Russian Collusion hoax. They pushed the Jussie Smoellet hoax. They smeared Justice Kavanaugh as a rapist and they also smeared Nick Sandmann as a white supremaicst. And yes, they dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop affair as pure Russian disinformation.
With mainstream corporate journalists becoming little more than apologists and cheerleaders for the regime, (continued)
This post originally appeared on The Blue State Conservative.