Internationalists like George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and crew are the most dangerous, deceitful, and despicable people on earth. Their arrogance is exceeded only by their audacity. According to them, the world is so broken it is not worth fixing, and their answer is to destroy it and make the world in the image of composite leftists of history.
Moreover, to keep the world balanced, safe, and clean, they will tell you what to eat, the kind of apartment you will have, the number of children you can have, but will permit you to choose what color of bicycle to ride on car-free streets. Of course, you will only have one choice of bicycles. They have nominated themselves to be the saviors of the world.
They are a gaggle of jerks, and their grandiose dreams have not succeeded, but they plan to become world puppet masters of Chinese warlords. They will probably end up as modern-day eunuchs to Chinese warlords eating bat soup and snake eyes at a Chinese banquet celebrating the birthday of Karl Marx.
Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), promised to change everyone, although Christ changed me when I was a teenager. Schwab’s flunky, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, tells us, “Free will, that’s over,” and we have too many humans who need to be kept “docile with drugs and video games.” Harari is simply another example of a clever man who proves by his statements to be dangerous, divisive, and dumb as a box of rocks.
The puppet-masters are private citizens who are the most arrogant people on earth. They are all far leftists who think they have the answer to everything, even questions, and problems that are still unasked and undiscovered! They believe the world’s future depends upon their next global program that always delivers them more power (and money) and strips citizens of their God-given rights and even nations of their sovereignty which means the loss of nationhood.
They envision a world—influenced if not controlled by them—that is a very green, socialist/ communist world without borders, a world government, a world court, and a world religion.
Since the main puppet-masters or global kingmakers have never dared to offer themselves for elective office, they major on deception (continued)
This post originally appeared on The Blue State Conservative.