Senator Mitt Romney the RINO, the supposed “Republican” that has never found an opportunity to punch right that he hasn’t taken, at least in the Trump Era, or an opportunity to make peace with radical leftists that he hasn’t jumped behind, just got some very, very bad political news.
In fact, the news is so bad that the RINO senator, one who has obvious presidential aspirations, aspirations that unfortunately weren’t crushed by his devastating 2012 loss, might have trouble even holding onto his Senate seat.
What is that news? That a real conservative might run against him, one who is popular in Utah and on the side of the MAGA movement. As Politico reports:
Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, who backed Donald Trump’s efforts to challenge the 2020 election results, is preparing for a 2024 Senate run that could pit him against Sen. Mitt Romney in a GOP primary.
Reyes, who has been elected statewide three times, in recent weeks has discussed the matter with key players in Utah politics and with allies of the former president, according to a person who is familiar with Reyes’ plans. Reyes will make a final decision and likely announce his intentions in May.
According to the same report, that person, the one “familiar with Reyes’ plans,” told Politico that:
“Sean is very seriously considering running, regardless if Mitt runs or not. He’s confident that regardless of what Sen. Romney wants to do, he’s going to pursue this.”
Now, perhaps Romney is done with politics anyway, or at least done with his seat in the Senate. He hasn’t announced his 2024 plans yet, might want to run for the presidency rather than Senator, and is under vicious assault from the right most days.
The era of his type of RINO/Conservative, Inc. politics is obviously over and Romney, were he smart, would (continued)
This post originally appeared on The Blue State Conservative.