There are so many newsworthy details contained in the just-released Wisconsin Special Counsel Report on the 2020 Election that it’s hard to know where to begin. Every American citizen should read this report because it explains how the election was stolen by Democrats. That alone makes it worthwhile.
Let’s start with this story:
The OSC learned that all machines in Green Bay were ESS machines and were
connected to a secret, hidden Wi-Fi access point at the Grand Hyatt hotel, which was the location used by the City of Green Bay on the day of the 2020 Presidential election. The OSC discovered the Wi-Fi, machines, and ballots were controlled by a single individual who was not a government employee but an agent of a special interest group operating in Wisconsin.
Wow. So one guy hidden at the Grand Hyatt Hotel controlled Green Bay’s election from his room? What is that guy’s name? According to the report: his name is Michael Spitzer Rubenstein. Why was a lawyer from Brooklyn in control of an election in Wisconsin?
That’s a good question. Let’s begin, though, with an explanation of why it’s been so hard to get any good questions answered at all. Just take a look at your calendar: it’s March 2022. The retired Wisconsin Supreme Court judge who conducted this Special Counsel investigation would remind all of us, first, that we’re talking about companies that are hiding their tracks.
The OSC began a comprehensive investigation of voting machines in Wisconsin.
As part of that investigation, subpoenas were sent to Dominion, ESS, and Command
Central, LLC, a Dominion reseller and servicer. The information sought included
information about who, when, where, and what updates the machines were provided.The OSC learned that one machine company representative stated that the voting machines were “wiped” during updates, meaning they did not retain federally required voter data.
It was discovered that Command Central, LLC, received images of cast ballots on election night using the internet. Command Central is alleged to be holding actual ballots cast on election night at its offices in Minnesota in violation of Wisconsin law.
The OSC was not able to complete this portion of its investigation, however.
Let’s also remember that the voting machine companies have refused to comply with investigations authorized by the state officials of Wisconsin even though the state officials of Wisconsin hired them in the first place as third-party vendors.
This post originally appeared here at Emerald Robinson.