Bob Woodward’s new boy-toy Robert Costa showed up at CPAC to represent the corporate media with his passive-aggressive beta-male schtick and became, instead, the butt of a thousand conservative jokes.
If you have not heard of Robert Costa, that’s because you don’t currently reside in an assisted nursing facility with Dan Rather. Costa works for CBS News — an organization whose key viewer demographic is nearly in the graveyard, and whose continued existence depends on people who want to get their information from Gayle King. Do you know a lot of people who think Oprah Winfrey’s girlfriend is a trusted source of news?
In other words, CBS News is not really a news organization anymore — it’s more like a sleeping aid. Senior citizens turn it on for its soothing tones because it promotes better rest during the golden years. The network’s executives are so past their prime that they imagined Robert Costa would be like a breath of fresh air to the place. He was named their new “elections correspondent” recently — that’s the same guy who disgraced himself with his Russia Hoax reporting.
Costa’s real role is to smear conservatives, of course, in the run-up to the midterm elections. That’s why he showed up to CPAC of course. (Costa’s favorite phrase right now is to call everyone he doesn’t like a “white nationalist” which is strange behavior coming from Costa since he used to work at the National Review and is, essentially, denouncing his younger and fatter self too.) Costa was feeling overly confident at CPAC and tried his usual tactics on Mike Lindell — and it did not go well for Costa.
Mike Lindell was just confronted by CBS News’ Robert Costa at #CPAC. He called him a “traitor to America“ and got everyone to chant “traitor! traitor! traitor!“
This post originally appeared here at Emerald Robinson.