After 12 months and four days in office, the Biden/Harris Administration is proving to be the worst in U.S. History. With the 1/6 witch hunt, the disastrous border situation along with the spreading of COVID via transporting unvaccinated migrants throughout the U.S., the unprecedented debacle in Afghanistan, the suicidal arming of the Taliban, our re-dependence on foreign oil, the re-joining of the doomed Paris Climate Accord, kowtowing to China and Russia, re-igniting inflation, the attempted $3.5 trillion boondoggle budget, a corrupt DOJ and FBI, an inept Secretary of State, a traitorous Joint Chiefs Chairman, an incompetent Defense Secretary, and on and on, even some mainstream media outlets reluctantly concede that Biden is unqualified to lead.
Presidents Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnston, Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama each look like geniuses compared to the Biden Administration clown show.
Out of the Frying Pan, into Fire
Will Biden serve out his full term? No one can know for sure, but it doesn’t seem likely. That could leave us with Kamala Harris. She is a swamp creature, so out of touch that she thinks U.S. citizens in rural America don’t own copiers or scanners, can’t drive to or are not near enough to an office supply store, and can’t take a cell phone photo of their government-issued ID.
Regretfully, sometime before 2025, Harris might take over as president of the United States. If so, Harris is likely to exceed Biden’s ineptness and become the worst president that we’ve ever had, for a variety of reasons. Foremost is that she lacks judgment, perspective, dedication, and any semblance of patriotism.
Assigned to handle the border situation by Joe Biden, she spent months assiduously avoiding the border. When she did visit, she stayed miles away from any of the hot spots. As the situation down south has worsened in mid-September, she is nowhere to be found.
As a rule, Harris avoids anything that she prefers to not address. As politicians go, she is as close to spineless as you can find. Tulsi Gabbard took her out of the Democratic primary debates in under three minutes.
A Grating Voiced Incompetent
We might have to hear that grating voice make proclamations from on high, for which she has no qualifications and worse, and does not have the best interests of American citizens in mind. Harris is a progressive, more so than even Barack Obama and on par with whoever is handling Joe Biden during his ridiculous presidency.
Harris cares little or nothing about rank-and-file American citizens unless, of course, they are progressive or some other classification which she deems to be worthy. Harris is all for having our border become flooded by immigrants, so that the United States itself has a ballooning population, and that our budgets burst beyond repair. Not Cuban refugees, however: they might become future Republicans.
White males are the least worthy of U.S. citizens in Harrisworld (although she married one). They make up most of the police forces and shoot black people whenever they can. They harbor and perpetuate systemic racism and they can never be redeemed!
Historical For the Wrong Reasons
It is tragic that someone as compromised and unintelligent, so lacking in leadership that her own staff can’t stand her, and unprepared to be the president of all, could serve as the first female president. There are so many others that deserve that distinction, among them Condoleezza Rice, Nikki Haley, Kristi Noem, Marsha Blackburn, and Candace Owens. All are more knowledgeable, qualified, and prepared.
Take a look at Germany, Russia, Uganda, Cambodia, Venezuela, and in our own backyard, Cuba. Too often, the reign of Leftists/Socialists endures for decades. A single leader like Harris can potentially ruin a nation for generations.
Enemies Lists Compiled
Do not take Kamala Harris and her Leftist henchmen lightly. They are vicious, they are violent, and they have no problem serving up hostilities to those with whom they disagree, because they ‘know they are right.’
Who is on her list? People who disagree with her politically, and people who seek fair and effective voter I.D. laws. Also those who seek free speech on campus, merit-based college acceptance, rights for the unborn, and secure U.S. sovereignty via controlled borders.
Jeff Davidson is “The Work-Life Balance Expert®” and the premier thought leader on work-life balance, integration, and harmony. Jeff speaks to organizations that seek to enhance their overall productivity by improving the effectiveness of their people. He is the author of Breathing Space, Perfect Timing, Simpler Living, Dial it Down, and Everyday Project Management.
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This is called “pay Back” for sealing the election.
STEALING the election!