So, you think that we’re going to “return to normal”? Bwahahahaha! Not gonna happen….ever.
The world should be aware that we’re only in “phase one” of a five-phase pandemic, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci.
In a virtual appearance at the World Economic Forum, Biden’s top Covid adviser was asked if the SARS-CoV-2 virus will become endemic by 2022. According to the New York Times, Fauci slipped and said that it’s too early to tell- the world appears to be in phase one of a five-phase pandemic.
“Dr. Fauci also said that the world is still in the first of what he considered to be the five phases of the pandemic. The first is the ‘truly pandemic’ phase, ‘where the whole world is really very negatively impacted,’ followed by deceleration, control, elimination and eradication,” The Times reported, adding that “it is an open question as to whether or not Omicron is going to be the live virus vaccination that everyone is hoping for, because you have such a great deal of variability with new variants emerging.”
“I would hope that that’s the case,” Fauci said, “but that would only be the case if we don’t get another variant that eludes the immune response.”
Considering that a variant (Omicron) is running around that experts claim may not have symptoms for up to 90% of the populace I am not sure how many diseases that I am infected with now.
And, of course, this is what many people around the world are dreading: Whenever the Covid-19 pandemic appears to be waning, a new “variant” suddenly springs up that surprises the medical community.
Also appearing at Davos, Fauci complained about “misinformation” being spread about the coronavirus.
“One of the things the entire world is facing, but we certainly are facing it in a very, very disconcerting way in the United States is the amount of disinformation that is accompanying what should be a problem that everyone pulls together against a common enemy, which is the virus,” he said. “We have disinformation that is entirely destructive to a comprehensive public health endeavor.”
I would like to point out that Fauci has been repeatedly guilty of spreading falsehoods and propaganda about the Covid pandemic and certain Gum’Ment responses.
Dr. Fauci, who is America’s highest-paid civil servant, also expressed his hope for a “new normal” in political terms.
At the WEF virtual forum, Fauci said that “Omicron is highly transmissible, but apparently not very pathogenic. While I hope that remains the case, but that would depend on what new variants emerge going forward.”
“It is very difficult to predict what the new normal would be like,” he added. “I do not think the people would be walking around with masks on forever, but one new normal I would hope for is greater solidarity with each other (emphasis mine). I also hope the new normal would include a strong memory about what a pandemic can do to us,” he continued.
Several of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s many public statements may be as revealing as the articles he authored with Dr. David M. Morens published in Cell in 2020.
“The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic drives disease spread by overcrowding in dwellings and gathering places (sports venues, bars, restaurants, beaches, airports) as well as human geographic movement,” the article says.
Lastly, it proposes a way to create a world that is less susceptible to pandemics: “Radical changes that may take decades to achieve.”
“Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes in human behavior as well as other radical changes that may take decades to achieve: rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence, from cities to homes to workplaces, to water and sewer systems, to recreational and gatherings venues,” Fauci argues. “In such a transformation we will need to prioritize changes in those human behaviors that constitute risks for the emergence of infectious diseases.”
“Chief among them are reducing crowding at home, work, and in public places as well as minimizing environmental perturbations such as deforestation, intense urbanization, and intensive animal farming,” the article says. “Equally important are ending global poverty, improving sanitation and hygiene, and reducing unsafe exposure to animals, so that humans and potential human pathogens have limited opportunities for contact.”
In reality, such “radical changes” to America and the rest of the world’s politics won’t happen in just one “phase.” Normalization, as global elites like Fauci define it, will require at least five phases.
And I wonder who is going to end up at the top of the heap once all of this “global health reorganization” finally settles out?
Or, more specifically, who is going to end up at the bottom?