Wokeism is a recent word which blankets all sorts of newly arrived terms like Equity substituted for equality, Critical Theories related to racism, Sustainability, Pronouns, Antifa, BLM and much more. They embody changes that only a very few will like and those very few are going to dictate how the rest of us live.
When “the rest of us” finally wake up, we can make that nightmare disappear with one trip to the ballot box, if free elections still exist.
Then there is climate change which this spinning space ball we live on has been undergoing forever. The “woke-folks” have concocted a cause/effect relationship between our preferred lifestyles and hotter heat which can only be cured by diminished use of modern conveniences like cars, air conditioning and electricity. Resulting impoverished lifestyles will not be so easy to roll back.
Yelling “Fire” in a crowded theater is an analogy for so many things that are stupid, dangerous and/or malicious. It is supposed to create anxiety or panic in those within earshot of the exclamation leading to stupid and/or dangerous choices.
“What does that have to do with me,” you ask. A lot, is the short answer; because everyday that politicians drill down on the canard of climate change, they are forcing you into choices you would not otherwise make. We will go into the details but first, a little history of MMCC (Man Made Climate Change).
British Prime Minister Margret Thatcher used it 1983 in negotiations with the powerful coal miners’ union. MMCC really became weaponized in 1988 when the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) was formed by the U.N.
The British website, Quadrant summarizes the situation quite succinctly:
“The media at large and the public that the media influences seem to believe that
the IPCC is an international authority on all aspects of climate. This is a popular but false notion. The IPCC is, in fact, no more than a craftily assembled government-supported lobby group, doing what lobby groups usually do.”
The question, does man made climate change even exist, is never asked. This is assumed and their task is to remedy it. Payoff for the U.N. is a carbon tax they attempt to collect from developed economies. It is of further use to autocrats whose goal is to curtail personal freedom of the masses.
As a degreed Civil Engineer and 40-year environmental professional doing business in the U.S., Europe and the Caribbean with my own company, I have studied the question and must conclude that:
1. Carbon Dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere have no measurable effect on planet temperatures. Proponents of Man-Made-Climate-Change point to elevated CO2 levels in the atmosphere during warm periods as evidenced by ice core samples. Closer examination of these samples disclosed that the elevated concentrations occurred at the end of the warm period making it an effect, not a cause. When temperatures are elevated, oceans give up their CO2 to the atmosphere. Something else caused the warming.
- 400 ppm CO2 is supposed to be close to a point of no return. This is the mathematical equivalent of one part in 2500 parts. Specific heat of carbon dioxide is roughly only twice that of other atmospheric constituents. Causing a measurable temperature increase would be like powering the lights of a major sports stadium through a single household extension cord. For those who avoided high school physics, specific heat is the amount of heat energy in Btu’s or calories required to raise the temperature of a substance, one degree. A specific heat twice the other air components would have enough heat energy to raise the other 2499 molecules 2/2499 (0.0008) degrees multiplied by the temperature differential.
- The apparent agent of planet temperature change is sunspot activity. The Maunder Minimum, a 200-year period of almost no sunspot activity, is associated with the Little Ice Age which ended in 1849. It has been gradually warming since and is still not as warm as the Medieval Warm Period which saw orchards in Greenland.
- Polar ice on other planets in our solar system are observed to grow and recede at the same rate as our own.
You Don’t Need to Take My Word for It
On the jacket of Christopher Booker’s book, “The Real Global Warming Disaster” is a quote by Professor Richard Lindzen, described as The World’s Leading Atmospheric Physicist and Climate Scientist in 2007, “Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century’s developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree and on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a roll-back of the industrial age.”
Booker concludes his work with this thought; “At the moment, it begins to look in many ways as though the lunatics have taken over the asylum. One of the biggest challenges in the years ahead may be to find ways of pulling them and ourselves back from that headlong rush towards chaos and self-destruction which is now hanging over our blindly comfortable Western world very much more than most of us realize.”
From ClimateDepot.com, “Renowned Princeton Physicist Freeman Dyson: ‘I’m 100% Democrat and I like Obama. But he took the wrong side on climate issue, and the Republicans took the right side’
Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Dr. Ivar Giaever, Who Endorsed Obama Now Says Prez. is ‘Ridiculous’ & ‘Dead Wrong’ on ‘Global Warming’
Green Guru James Lovelock reverses belief in ‘global warming’: Now says ‘I’m not sure the whole thing isn’t crazy’ — Condemns green movement: ‘It’s a religion really, It’s totally unscientific’
For additional authoritative sources, take a look at Climate Depot where you will find such tidbits as Physicists’ Lab Experiment Shows A CO2 Increase From 0.04% To 100% Leads To No Observable Warming and Perceptions of climate impacts at odds with scientific data.
MMCC Will Destroy an Economy
The US GDP per capita is 1.7-times of that of the EU in 2018. The chart shows the GDP per capita of the US and the EU. California has given us a preview of “life-without-light” with rolling blackouts resulting from their attempt to replace conventional power sources with “renewables.”
In “The Real Global Warming Disaster,” author Christopher Booker reviews Great Britain’s response to EU mandates to reduce CO2 emissions by 60 percent, principally through the use of wind farms. Wind turbines were rated at 25 percent of their name plate due to the vagaries of blowing wind and each wind farm was backed up by a coal fired generator running at idle speed so that its power output was immediately available when the wind died down. “Green Taxes” cost every household £1,000 annually.
Thinking about buying an Electric Car?
We are told that is the right thing to do if we are to avoid roasting to death on a planet gone crazy with heat. The power we always relied on to get us to work and stuff is now switching from fossils to volts, so I did a little calculation.
We have 281 million registered vehicles in the U.S. If they all charged their batteries at the once, the power draw would exceed our grid capacity by 17 percent. Of course we won’t charge all at once — we have different time zones but charging a few runs the risk of clogging up the source of our hot and cold and a myriad other essential activities. And that’s using 5 kW chargers with wait time measured in hours. 200 kW chargers are just around the corner.
The Britts have already anticipated the problem: “The United Kingdom plans to pass legislation that will see EV home and workplace chargers being switched off at peak times to avoid blackouts.”
Announced by Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, the proposed law stipulates that electric car chargers installed at home or at the workplace may not function for up to nine hours a day to avoid overloading the national electricity grid.
“As of May 30, 2022, new home and workplace chargers being installed must be “smart” chargers connected to the internet and able to employ pre-sets limiting their ability to function from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. However, users of home chargers will be able to override the pre-sets should they need to, although it’s not clear how often they will be able to do that.
“In addition to the nine hours a day of downtime, authorities will be able to impose a “randomized delay” of 30 minutes on individual chargers in certain areas to prevent grid spikes at other times. “
How long will it take a U.S. administration crazy about regulations to pick up on this. Planning a cross country family car trip?
This is just a tip of a very large iceberg which will make the sinking of the Titanic look like a leaky rowboat. Implementation of MMCC regulations will degrade everything we value from jobs and personal income to national security. Cancellation of the Keystone pipeline was a bare beginning.
You don’t need to read between the lines to understand that a very radical fringe dedicated to autocratic control over what was once a democracy, has taken over the democratic party. It began with President Obama whom the media was extremely reluctant to criticize because of his “minority” status followed by Trump who occupied a very large center of the political spectrum leaving little space for competing ideas.
George Orwell’s, “1984” is their playbook and one of the requirements listed is wealth destruction lest their population become too educated and independent leading to their realization that Big Brother is totally unnecessary. A remote far-off war is used to fulfill that requirement in 1984’sscheme of things and now has been replaced by MMCC, a more effective and subtle method of accomplishing destruction of wealth.
The Silence is Deafening
Aside from the fact that our mainstream media has become rad-lib-dem house puppies, why isn’t someone, anyone, screaming, STOP, at the top of their voice? Granted, TV talking heads generally don’t bring a scientific background to the job and are reluctant to expose ignorance, so they just let mainstream media folks babble-on about how we are about to burn up within the next ten years unless we all take vows of poverty.
But when they have medical topics to discuss, they don’t hesitate to grab an MD to bolster their presentation. That same sort of talent is available to elucidate on the subject of climatology.
“Wokeism is an oppressive mind-virus. Our mission is to stop the virus with data, ridicule, and community.
Wokeism is a Marxist inspired movement that started off with well-intentioned people that wanted to stop racism and social injustice. It has now morphed into a cult that seeks to silence all of those that disagree. At first, using social humiliation, but now graduating to violence through Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots.
Wokeism demands equity not equality. It seeks to destroy all norms, to redefine words, and destroy objective science in order to create a Marxist Utopia. Instead of reducing racism, this new anti-racism is just racism by a different name.
Wokeism is a full-on attack on Western Society. It rewrites history in order to confuse and inspire the destruction of the West. This virus is infecting every part of society. From children’s schools to the Government. It is everywhere and is now threatening to end freedom of speech and thought. It has become impossible to speak out without fear of career-death and possible physical harm.
Enough is enough. It’s time to break people out of the Postmodernist thought-prison and stop the woke movement.”
Ain’t no fire in this theater!
Lucy to Charlie Brown: “Liberal scientist can prove that climate change is real”.
Charlie Brown to Lucy: “Then can’t even tell the difference between boys and girls”.
Global warming / Climate change is most certainly BULLSH1T but man you have 1 GLARING incorrect statement that is so ridiculously insane it warrants comment.
Nutjobs would love to find water on other planets. THUS FAR NONE HAS EVER BEEN FOUND so how in hell could there be Polar Ice?
Mars. Their ice caps (water and frozen CO2) grow and recede at the same rate as ours.
You’re welcome.
Climate change is man made. Please just look up in ANY G 20 nation and see the chemicals for yourself. These secret yet obvious programs are causing 100 and 500 year weather events every year. Why is this NEVER discussed?