To all would-be villains intent on taking over the world with bioweapons, heads up: you can NOT control this stuff.
As unwilling evolutionary biologists/test subjects, we are witnessing how viruses survive and reproduce as their species depends on hosts for replication and spreading. As we were approaching the bottom of the formidable Delta outbreak curve, there was hope that natural immunity and whatever herd immunity might be building up from mass vaccination would bring the COVID-19 pandemic to a low simmer.
Omicron, the most highly mutated form of SARS-CoV-2, has caused an explosive epidemic wave all around the world over the past two months. Omicron can now be infected by those with previous COVID-19 infections and natural immunity as well as those who have been fully vaccinated and just a small number who are resistant to COVID-19.
Seriously, despite strict health protocols in place to try to prevent its spread, nearly two-thirds of the staff based at the Princess Elisabeth Polar Station in Antarctica are infected with COVID-19. Read that again: this is despite being fully vaccinated, passing multiple tests, quarantining, and living about as far from civilization as can be had.
Omicron syndrome, on the other hand, has been characterized as mild and brief with the absence of pulmonary symptoms. How did Omicron manage to establish such a large and growing ecological niche? Easily, actually: The replication rate of Omicron is 70-fold greater than that of Delta.
In response to the outbreak of the Coronavirus omicron variant, Americans are forced to wait in long lines at testing sites that often wrap around multiple blocks.
Sheryl Malone of Ohio told WKSU, “It’s just overwhelming.” referring to the long wait to get tested this holiday season.
Malone is by no means alone. Some Americans have spent hours waiting in lines at testing sites and at home test kit pickup sites, as recorded in videos and reports from across the country.
But this doesn’t make sense: most tests can not detect the Omicron variant.
To make things even more bizarre, the Omicron appears to generate immunity not just against itself, but also against Delta, the previous dominant variant. Omicron, which is moving rapidly through the population, is providing a larger immunological barrier, which, along with a sharp and hopefully brief spike in Omicron cases, will likely work to reduce the Delta curve.
According to Dr. Peter McCullough…
“Despite the surge of Omicron in South Africa the rates of hospitalizations did not rise, thus the individual risk of ending up in the hospital was markedly reduced compared to prior variants. Immunity status playing a role in Omicron being a mild and brief syndrome at home.”
Model studies indicate that the dual Lilly (Bamlanivimab and Etesevimab) and Regeneron (Casirivimab and Imdevimab) (man, SpellCheck went BERSERK over those descriptions) monoclonal antibody products are unlikely to neutralize Omicron, leaving only Sotrovimab by GSK as the remaining monoclonal antibody that can neutralize Omicron for high-risk seniors with severe symptoms associated with the drug.
Even though many have called Omicron “mother nature’s booster,” it will take some time before we can celebrate as the blend of Delta and Omicron, both of which present with similar features, but take two separate clinical paths, is bound to confuse both patients and physicians as they grapple with this new clinical reality.
In October, the White House rejected a proposal that would have added more than 730 million COVID tests to the market every month, according to a report this week.
A plan involving Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the COVID Collaborative, the Rockefeller Foundation, and others sought to scale up manufacturing capabilities “to prevent the holiday season’s COVID surge,” Vanity Fair reported Thursday.
The White House rejected the Oct. 22 proposal and announced three days later that it would seek to expand rapid home testing via the “FDA’s regulatory approval process.” IT should be noted that these are the same procedures that have been sidelined and ignored with the majority ov COVID vaccine procedures.
Fauci has promoted the vaccine as a way out of the COVID-19 pandemic ever since the first vaccine was released. Politicians and media pundits alike sold many skeptical people on the vaccine by telling them it would restore normalcy. (Anyone remember “Flatten the CurveTM”?).
Fauci now admits that vaccines do not work as intended, despite his support of vaccination mandates for “essential: things such as air travel.
Even people who have been vaccinated and boosted should not be out in public, Fauci said on CNN. Been waiting for that one, actually. Kinda hard to revolt against a despotic government when curfews and lock-downs will keep people from public gatherings.
Fauci admits that the vaccine is ineffective, but reports about vaccine-related injuries and side effects continue to emerge.
VAERS, a website used to report vaccine-related injuries, has received thousands of submissions since its creation.
The government continues to impose mandates and coercion on the failed vaccine program, which is absurd in light of Omicron’s utter failure.
“Exactly how many more COVID jabs are we supposed to have?”
The short answer, all of them, regardless of the quantity….
I say none of them. If the company you work for mandates then go to another company or better yet start your own company and be competition for the woke former employer
One a month until you die. Tell me how much longer you are going to live and I can give you a definitive answer.
You want to know how many covid jabs I’ve had and how many I will take?
I haven’t had any, I’m FINE, and I’m not letting anyone with a syringe anywhere near myself of my family.
How many more jabs? As many as you allow until you take a stand and tell them to pound sand!
What an easy question! Why, it’s an INFINITE number, komrades!
Until the government decrees otherwise meaning forever.
As many are needed to result in death. But at least you won’t have died from the Wuh-Flu so that’s a bonus. And if you get it and die anyway it won’t be as bad if you had remained unjaculated.