While we were all trying to find out the status of Ghislaine Maxwell (Guilty: Mourners please omit flowers for her upcoming suicide), guess what just happened?
For a backdrop, back in November, the Chinese government advised residents to stock up on daily necessities as the government imposed strict restrictions in an attempt to curb the spread of disease. No one really took notice it seems.
But there was more to this than we realized. Because we have been so wrapped up in our own media sensations we pretty much missed quite a few canaries.
So, time to play a very old game called “Connect-the-Dots.”
These dots are not obvious-until you see them all at once.
1st Dot: According to the Economic Daily, a Communist Party-backed journal, the directives were a government effort to prepare the public for Covid lockdowns in advance of winter-and maybe quite a bit longer.
Currently, global food supplies are getting tighter and tighter, while global food prices keep increasing. A bizarre weather pattern and natural disasters have disrupted food production all over the world, and the COVID pandemic has thrown global supply chains into chaos. As a result, the world is currently facing the worst hunger crisis this century, which is expected to worsen by 2022. Of course this is just the beginning.
The Chinese government can also see what is coming, because right now they are hoarding food on an unprecedented scale …
Over half of the world’s maize and other grains were stocked by less than 20% of the population, leading to steep price increases across the globe and famine in more countries.
According to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, China is expected to have 69% of the globe’s maize reserves in the first half of crop year 2022, 60% of its rice and 51% of its wheat.
Chinese officials have ensured that their people will have food even if things start to go south in 2022 or beyond. In November, China’s National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration chief, Qin Yuyun, told reporters that food stockpiles are at a “historically high level.” “We can meet demand for about one and a half years with our wheat stockpiles,” he said. There is no problem at all with the food supply.”
But for some reason these guys (our guys) are not doing their homework.
2nd Dot: In order to make fertilizer, natural gas is crucial.
The chemical process that produces urea involves reacting ammonia with carbon dioxide. As a result of the climate Nazis, we all now know that CO2 is the devil. No natural gas means no urea, and no urea means no fertilizer. Without fertilizer, we’ll all starve.
Here is an article about an Australian farmer who says the urea crisis could “put an end to normal life within weeks.”
‘Not only will we not be able to grow cattle and we will not be able to grow food and we will not be able to grow grain or anything like that, but even if we could, we can’t move it, because we can’t turn a wheel in a truck because we have no Adblue,’ [note-AdBlue is needed for diesel vehicles — half of all trucks on Australian roads run on diesel. And the number is far higher on the US roads]
As of February we might not have a truck on the road in Australia, we might not have a train on the tracks.
‘So quite literally the whole country comes to a standstill as of February.’
The farmer then continues:
‘Go and have a look in your cupboard and go and have a look in your fridge and I guarantee just about every single item there, at some point, urea has been used to produce that item, whether it’s a steak or a salad or a can of baked beans.”
In Europe, there is a full blown energy crisis unfolding, exacerbated by increasingly destructive policies by environmentalists that are ignoring the esemplastic effects of their actions (let’s produce more solar and wind even though it’s insufficient and highly expensive) and a supply chain crisis.
Currently, we are facing this situation which is going to make your head spin.
3rd Dot: Spoiler Alert: Europe has run out of gas.
For the better part of the last decade, they’ve been throwing out their own domestic energy, replacing it with baubles and toys that, while they may be woke, don’t produce electricity.
The Europeans are now cold and will very soon be hungry, so yet another war is inevitable. It is important to remember that spiraling food prices have historically led to these, as well as to civil unrest and revolutions. Fortunately, starving has also been reported to cure obesity, so that’s a plus, at least in my case.
To return to food and urea. No fertilizer can be made without natural gas and urea. Fertilizer prices are significantly affected by either of these prices going up (both do). In turn, food prices are affected as well. Due to the fact that fertilizer is a major component of agricultural production, it is also one of the most expensive.
4th Dot: First on the list is … diesel fuel.
So, I wonder what will happen to food prices when the cost of production begins to skyrocket?
While the government has stocked up food in the past, these programs were primarily designed to help farmers who were hurt by low prices. The Department of Agriculture purchased surplus dairy products in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s and distributed them to Americans through various welfare programs (Government Cheese).
U.S. officials have somehow determined that there will be no need for food to be supplied to the whole country at this time.
There are some commodities the U.S. has purchased for aid programs, and there is a very limited amount of food, water, and generators at eight widely distributed FEMA distribution centers …
USDA still purchases commodities both for domestic and international food aid programs today. In case of an emergency, the company also maintains a vault in Fort Collins, CO, that houses thousands of plant species and genetic material of livestock. (I’ve been there; really cool)
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) stockpiles food, water, generators, and other resources in eight distribution centers located in the United States and its territories.
5th Dot: During a major national emergency, the government’s very limited supply of food will be gone almost immediately.
We don’t seem to be seeing the light: prices of food continue to rise with each passing day. According to a CNN report published in November, global food prices rose by more than 30% in the past year …
Food prices are going to go even higher in 2022, and this is going to push millions more people around the globe into hunger.
Don’t worry, the elite in the west have a solution.
Zero Hedge has pointed out that as global food supplies get tighter they are now encouraging us to eat bugs …
“Unlike our money supply, our central bankers have yet to figure out how to print food from thin air. But do not worry, as the global food supply continues to grow worse, we’re all likely going to be forced to eat crickets, worms, and grasshoppers.”
So, I guess we have an option if we want. If not, you might want to stockpile food while you have the opportunity to do so.
Our supply chain has shown us how vulnerable it really is over the past few years, and the shortages we are now experiencing are not going away anytime soon. The world will eventually be ravaged by severe famines.
The Chinese are working really hard to prepare for that time; does anyone have any guidance for me as to why our US Gum’ Ment is not?
6th Dot: Currently, Russia is bordering on Ukraine-looks like they will be moving in and making themselves at home any day now.
But how, inquiring minds want to know, could they do that so easily? Well, the answer lies in taking a look at their previous conquests.
7th Dot: As Europe prepares for a week of subzero temperatures, the Russian state-controlled company Gazprom, slashed its gas supplies over the weekend.
Interfax reported that shipment volume through the Yamal pipeline to Germany was at its lowest for at least a month over the weekend, citing market data. On Saturday and Sunday, daily shipments fell from 27 million cubic meters (mcm) on Friday to 5.2 mcm and 4.7 mcm, respectively.
On Monday, Gazprom booked only minimal additional capacity on the transit route — 3.8 mcm — worrying markets as gas prices rose once again across Europe.
Gas prices rose more than 70% from the levels seen in September when politicians across the continent first began worrying about a possible Russian squeeze on supplies.
More specifically, On Wednesday, Russia cut off all gas supplies to Europe through Ukraine, causing more than a dozen countries to scramble for supplies during a cold snap. Vladimir Putin. The Russian prime minister endorsed the move and urged international observers to be included in the energy dispute.
“Europe has now left itself hostage to Russia over energy supplies,” said Timothy Ash, a senior sovereign strategist at Bluebay Asset Management.
President Biden has instituted policies that have hurt the North American oil and gas industry at every turn, resulting in declining U.S. energy independence earned during the Trump Administration and benefiting oil-producing nations. As an example, Russia is the United States’ second largest oil importer, after Canada. Biden has also canceled the Keystone XL pipeline while lifting sanctions imposed by the Trump administration in order to allow Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which could supply Germany with natural gas without passing through Ukraine.
Now, a lot of folks think that this is a play to put pressure for the Nord Stream 2-but has anyone noticed that, in addition to freezing Ukraine out prior to what appears to be an invasion, that Russia is now pretty much in control of the US Energy Grid??!?
Supposedly, we are treaty bound with Ukraine to protect them if the balloon goes up; but it should noted that this will be a little tougher to do if we get cut off suddenly AFTER starting to raid our strategic reserves. Likewise, Europe doesn’t seem likely to come to anyone’s aid if it means their little booty’s are getting chilly.
And this might be a long-term plan; back in 2014, due to Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula, Ukraine’s energy independence strategy and gas diversification plan failed to meet expectations. In fact, it pretty much died in the cradle as the gas supply was pretty much shut of to the area in an effort to keep them from getting uppity.
8th Dot: Natural gas is not just used for heat-it is also used to create fertilizer (see above).
So the question that appears is exactly how hard are countries going to fight a adversary that controls their heat and the fertilizer portion of their food production? And maybe China is aware of this, and is digging in?
A: They won’t fight hard at all — because they will not be able to. Not when their populace is dependent on said aggressor for gas and food. And the Biden administration worked really hard to get us in this position.
So, to paraphrase Mark Twain, we need to ask: “Is our government full of idiots who sincerely believe in their own drooling rhetoric and incompetency — or is it comprised of folks who know exactly what they are doing??”
For those of you that asked: A lot of my research comes from writings by Michael Snyder, and I used his book “7 Year Apocalypse” to come to some of these conclusions. I am not an affiliate nor am I compensated in any way, but you might want to give this book a look-see to get an idea of what may be in all of our near futures …
Coca-Cola sucks! But so does Pepsi!
Let’s make if you go woke you go broke visit these two companies!
Connect the dots here… Dumb president calls Putin names, disses Russia, and Russia shakes hands with China… effing brilliant. How about we get rid of NATO because the Soviet Union has been gone for 30 years! How would we feel if Canada and Mexico joined China in a mutual protection treaty… get it. Either invite Russia into NATO along with the Ukraine or get rid of NATO.