Never in history have we had unvaccinated being held responsible for infections in the vaccinated. We need to throw away what little trust we have left in our government: Might be time to ‘follow the money’.
Profit-maximizing corporations covet your “digital health” data under nonprofit umbrella groups posing as charities. In the name of fighting COVID-19 and as a way to bring “normalcy” back, vaccine passport profiteers are converting millions of people into walking QR codes. Compliant sheep are rewarded, but free-thinking, autonomous citizens are punished in this unprecedented worldwide scheme.
I just got attacked by my SmartPhone; it is insisting that I download a program to allow me to track “vaccination and infection” status.
Now, as a computer geek, it occurs to me that our smartphones just might be broadcasting our vaccine info without our permission (in the interest of “public health” or puppies or Save-the-Children™ or what-not).
And now, in Colorado, the Smart Health Card is “allowing users to verify and share their vaccination status.” Inquiring minds just might be curious as to who is REALLY behind the Smart Health Card technology (now being used in Puerto Rico, Canada, the Cayman Islands, Australia and a total of 12 states, such as California, Rhode Island, Washington state, Virginia, , Massachusetts and Oregon — as well as CVS and Rite Aid pharmacies, Kaiser Permanente, UC Health, Walgreens, Walmart, Express Scripts and United Healthcare Services)?
And behind the mask we have-voila!-The Commons Project Foundation (known as “TCP”-no “F”): the nonprofit entity responsible for Smart Health’s global dominance of the vaccine passport market. Michelle Malkin takes a good look at it in detail in a recent article. It says it “builds and operates digital platforms and services for the common good.” TCP oversees the Common Trust Network (which operates a global list of organizations that issue-and track- vaccine passports).
On every vaccine passport system’s website and in their public relations statements is an emphasis on how these tracking measures are meant “to empower individuals with digital access to their vaccination records,” as Paul Meyer, CEO of The Commons Project, put it, to allow people “to safely return to travel, work, school and life while protecting their data privacy.“
But wait there’s more! TCP ALSO created and collaborates with VCI, the Vaccination Credential Initiative: a nonprofit calls itself a “voluntary coalition of public and private organizations” committed to “empowering individuals to gain access to their verifiable clinical information,” including “a trustworthy and verifiable copy of their vaccination records in digital or paper form using open, interoperable standards.”
Strangely enough, they seem to have some major thumbs-up from ‘who’s who’ of for-profit Big Tech and Big Health corporations looking for ways to profit off personal data, including Apple, Microsoft, Cerner, Amazon Web Services, Google, Epic, the Mayo Clinic, Oracle, Salesforce, Evernorth (Cigna’s health services business).
Oh, and some group called the Mitre Corporation.
Mitre? It’s a nonprofit, Cold War-era conglomerate headquartered near the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in McLean, Virginia, which oversees billions of dollars in federally funded research in the homeland security, military, cybersecurity, and, now, naturally, the explosively lucrative health data market.
Mitre earned $1.8 billion in gross revenue in 2019 and has a $2 billion budget funded by American taxpayers, according to Forbes. It also runs a $16.3 million contract with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help build “an enduring national capability to contain COVID-19,” as well as a $20 million joint partnership on disease surveillance with the CDC.
As Forbes reported, the secretive military-industrial alliance brags ominously in its promotional material:
“You may not know it, but Mitre touches your life most every day.”
But let’s keep going down the rabbit hole”- next up under the ‘scope:
This past year, Clear Secure Inc., a for-profit biometric technology company that makes touchless fast passes for airline travelers, jumped into the burgeoning vaccine passport industry and filed to go public after signing partnerships with Walmart; the NBA; and dozens of sports, theater, entertainment, casino and restaurant venues. A business reporter reported that “over 70,000 of Clear’s Health Passes are used for venue admission each week.“
The Excelsior Pass regime has been submitted by 1.1 million New Yorkers. IBM Watson Works developed the vaccine tracking and credentialing system for the Big Apple and Empire State, comparing it to a (health=based) credit score, which will be launched in the fall of 2020 to allow New Yorkers to return to “the activities that they love.”
Long and short, if you don’t submit to the program you can kiss your croquet matches goodbye.
Business Insider reports that IBM Watson Works generates $1 billion in annual revenue.
“Feel-good,” “do-gooder” propaganda won’t tell you how tech oligarchs are gathering vast amounts of personal health information by giving away “free” apps and software to control freak bureaucrats around the world. It’s not a favor they’re doing for you-it lines their pockets with hard cash. You are being used to create a totalitarian regime of vaccination apartheid that discriminates against anyone who follows the money in search of the truth-and you are paying for it, either directly or indirectly.
And it is absolutely appalling how many are going into the slaughterhouse quite willingly.
WTO fjb fwto.. ESAD mfers
The digital health thing, qr code, tracking, and forced vaxx mandates are all a page from the CCP playbook used to brutalize and abuse their citizenry. Note that the entities mentioned above in the article are all under the umbrella of the race-hating nation-destroying fiend George Soros. The tracking is also the formed plot which attention-seeking billionaire and former mayor-toad Mike Bloomberg and seks predator Andrew Cuomo had advocated and pushed.
The vile and abusive thing is being used to keep the citizenry in place since according to the despots’ way of thinking is people moving around are more difficult targets.