This week, the White House and the NIH continue to spread COVID disinformation. Now if this were to come from conservative news outlets, or say someone with the last name of Trump, they would immediately be banned from social media. Instead, they are allowed to continue.
On Wednesday, the White House shared that Boosters give protection against the Omicron variant. They cited NIH as the source of the information and the NIH quickly retweeted the statement.
New from @NIH:
-Boosters give optimal protection against Omicron variant
-Unvaccinated people are 8 times as likely to be hospitalized & 14 times as likely to die from COVID compared to those fully vaccinated
-Don't wait to get protected: shots are free & available at 80K+ sites— The White House (@WhiteHouse) December 15, 2021
The problem is that there is no evidence to support this claim. In fact, the evidence seems to indicate otherwise.
The New York Times has an article that says the boosters are “likely” to offer protection. The key word there is likely. If you read the very first paragraph, they start with the propaganda, but then they make a statement that says, “It will, however, still cause breakthrough infections in vaccinated people.” This is referring to Omicron of course.
Pfizer initially reported that they would need to develop an Omicron specific COVID vaccine, but quickly changed course. Perhaps their congressional and NIH influencers helped push them into getting on board the booster discussion. Soon after, they transitioned the conversation to talking about a potential 4th booster shot.
Let me clarify all of the garbage for you. The vaccines do not prevent COVID. There’s some evidence that they may help keep you from being hospitalized, but they will not prevent you from catching it or spreading it.
The long-term effects of the vaccines are unknown, but in the short term we know that there are significant incidents of myocarditis in young people. Not just the 5-16 group, but anyone under 40.
So we have proven negative effects, unknown long term effects, and a vaccine that does not do what the President and the NIH have said it would do: to eradicate COVID. So the logical response is to simply say we should inject ourselves with more of this nonsense. We should simply line up and take shots as long as the “experts” say we should.
Health experts for years have said that repeated exposure to certain things is always harmful for our bodies. We have been told taking antibiotics unnecessarily can cause drug resistant infections. We are told that we should not repeatedly have large amounts of sugar, corn syrup, and more. Yet, it’s ok to inject our bodies with chemical to combat a virus with over a 98% survivability rate?
Conservative outlets have been banned from social media for some absolutely ridiculous things. Many were banned for suggesting that COVID was a result of a lab leak. Now, the evidence indicates that was true. When they have posted that vaccines are ineffective and high risk, they have seen their posts labeled, removed, flagged, or more.
What is the response for two government entities that are openly spreading misinformation related to COVID and COVID vaccines? I’m sure Twitter will make sure their algorithm shows it to hundreds of thousands of people.
After all, agenda is more important than America to the radical left.
Honestly, they’ve been lying to us since, “15 days to stop the spread”.