Not to be outdone by the Governmental train-wreck that is the U.S. (We’ve not only changed the definition of ‘vaccine‘, but now we’re changing the definition of ‘vaccinated‘), the tyrants running that country have gone totally around the twist.
Their raison d’être has, naturally, become COVID-19-the excuse that covers a multitude of sins. However, draconian restrictions imposed on the ‘great unwashed’ can be justified for any reason.
A doctor in Canada recently became the first doctor to officially diagnose a patient as suffering from “climate change.”
‘Asthma’ is apparently not politically correct enough; medical diagnoses now have political causes behind them. (Think that it can’t happen here? Ever hear of Trump Derangement syndrome?)
I looked up asthma; it can be caused/triggered by many things, including genetics, allergies, respiratory infections, and environment.
But even Wiki must not be keeping up with the times; you know what’s NOT listed as a cause of asthma? Climate change.
Not that that matters in Canada. What matters is the ability to turn ordinary people into enemies so they can be locked down and locked up.
In that regard, this claim of climate change is no different than COVID-19.
If certain people are spreading Covid, Canada considers those people enemies. And if certain people are causing climate change, Canada could soon consider those people enemies too. In fact, it seems that people are now not just get castigated, but possibly murdered in an attempt to silence…what?
The little Canadian tyrants will come up with a variety of ways to coerce and punish those designated enemies while justifying their tyrannical actions by appealing to the fashionable “cause” of the day – whether it’s fighting Covid or stopping climate change. And fake documents reporting that Canada is preparing to seize “unvaccinated” cause most people to ignore any real warnings; for example, if they actually DO.
Bottom line, diagnosing a person with “climate change” is just one example of how Canada has lost its mind and is moving toward nationwide tyranny.
Canada has also enacted mandatory vaccination against COVID-19. Even worse, one arbitrator has just upheld that policy in Ontario.
Besides violating someone’s private autonomy, no government should force anyone to take medication against their will. You can lose your job and you won’t be allowed to travel freely unless you get the vaccination in Canada.
As another example of Canada acting insanely, compelled speech is enforced. Persons should not be forced to refer to any other person by any “term.”
But one father was jailed under Canadian law C-16 when he failed to address his biologically female daughter with her preferred pronouns.
Two years ago, instead of laughing most folks would have dismissed this as lunacy.
And yet here we are-with no end to this in sight. Governments seem to make a habit of wanting to crush their people, regardless of form. And apparently the world-wide opportunity to do so has surfaced.
The scary part is to believe that these are isolated incidents-but the numbers are growing. Like raindrops that assemble into a rivulet, then a stream, then a river…followed by a catastrophic dam collapse.
And the sad part is history is going to judge all of us for just “going along” with this insanity. And, quite frankly, there are many countries that aren’t that far behind Canada — the U.S. included.
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