Everyone of us has witnessed a coin disappear, or a card that mysteriously appears to be the subject of a correct guess.
We have also witnessed Dictators (Saddam Hussein, Idi Amin, Adolf Hitler) storm in and eviscerate countries that were not in a position to defend themselves.
So, why would there be any correlation between these two? Unfortunately, the answer is somewhat obvious, if not actually being thrown in our faces.
The United States is weaker, more divided, and more distracted than it has ever been- and it is foolhardy to think that no one else in the free world has taken notice. Predators generally like to attack the weak. Regardless of political stance or personal beliefs, this series of divisions is likely to cost us everything.
-China is starting to mass troop to (potentially) move on Taiwan.
-Russia is building troops for (presumably) a sweep into the Ukraine.
-North Korea has been disturbingly silent for the last few months.
-Reports of the COVID and related vaccines constituting a bioweapon (spike protein) that ALL governments are actively ignoring.
Meanwhile, the people running US are wetting their collective pants on creating a “vaccine database” (pushed by the same group that says voter registration racist and not viable), ogling Ghislaine Maxine’s trial which-for some reason-is taking place behind closed doors (almost as though it’s going to involve some folks who might not want their names in the press), and refusing to question why several vials of SMALLPOX have been located in Merck facility in Pennsylvania shortly after a HUGE order of a Smallpox vaccine (JYNNEOS-especially troubling because smallpox was purportedly eradicated worldwide in 1980).
If a ‘bad guy™’ was considering attacking the US, can anyone out there suggest a BETTER time that RIGHT NOW?
With all of us fighting our own Gum’ment as it systematically field dresses any form of our constitutional rights and the economy is ready to implode?
(By the way, things are NOT getting more expensive because of greedy landlords and evil corporations; rather, they are more expensive because over 40% of the US money supply has been printed within the last 12 months.)
So wouldn’t we suppose that a potential enemy of the US might take a look and say “Yum, YUM! WHAT do we have here?”
Oh, No! I hear the voices bleat:
But wouldn’t we notice an increase in Submarine activity? (‘Alas Babylon’-Pat Frank)
Wouldn’t we notice increased hostility from Russia? (‘The Day After’-1983 made for TV)
We’ve not really seen either. Unfortunately, there is a way that few people have paid attention to that would drop the US to it’s collective knees.
Correction: into its grave, with a multi-death toll around 90%. And it DOESN’T involve an uncontrollable bioweapon.
The clues are there-lately, protests over China’s increased military capabilities — including its hypersonic weapons — have been ramped up in the American media, with US officials insisting that the US needed to “catch up” with Beijing.
Power grids and electronic infrastructure in the US remain vulnerable to new unconventional weapons developed by China, in particular those capable of “electromagnetic pulse” (EMP) attacks, The Washington Times reported, citing American experts.
According to Peter Vincent Pry, the executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, China possesses so-called “super-EMP” weapons – designed to carry out attacks via bursts of energy – and could put them to use against the US, possibly even combining them with other modern unconventional military tactics.
“That poses a real threat of possibly being able to win a war with a single blow by means of an EMP attack. Moreover… they don’t envision employing an EMP by itself. It would be used in conjunction with cyberattacks and physical sabotage, and non-nuclear EMPs,” Pry said at the forum, cited by The Washington Times.
Russian, North Korean, and Iranian officials may regard this as “potentially the most decisive military revolution in history.” He then goes on to offer gloomy forecasts for the future of the United States should it face the alleged “combined EMP/cyberattack.”
“By attacking the technological ‘Achilles heel’ of a nation like the United States, you could bring us to our knees and not even have to do battle with the Marines or the Navy or the Air Force, and win a war in 24 hours with a single blow,” he claimed.
The Washington Times cited other experts who forecast an apocalyptic scenario involving a year-long blackout caused by an EMP attack, which could kill 90 percent of Americans, according to Pry.
“Imagine the president in the situation where the dispute is over Taiwan, or the dispute is with Russia over the Baltic states,” Pry continued. “And they do an EMP [attack] on the United States. What’s the president going to do? Try to go into World War III, which he will surely lose?… Or is he going to use the residual capabilities that we have, especially the military capabilities, to try to recover those critical civilian infrastructures because the clock is ticking toward the deaths of millions of Americans?”
Notably, according to the South China Morning Post, which cites a Chinese military nuclear research institute, the US will allegedly have its infrastructure beefed up by 2032. That could reportedly “tip the strategic balance among world powers” – and that is why researchers say Beijing must bolster its own defense capabilities in order to be able to withstand U.S. EMP attacks in the future.
Translation: yet another arms race that could ultimately trigger a “winner is the one that hits first” scenario.
Having just gone through a terrifying series on this, written by none other than William F. Forschten, who was an adviser to Congress concerning potential threats to the US from these weapons, I suspect that we are in real trouble. In fact, the book also has sections written by U.S. Navy Captain William Sanders, regarding EMPs, which includes references to the reports of the United States EMP Commission[3] and the book The Effects of Nuclear Weapons by Samuel Glasstone and Philip J. Dolan, published by the United States Department of Defense,[4] which is a technical description based on early nuclear tests.
Long and short, we are exposed to this sort of attack more so than any other time in history. And because it would rely on only a single bomb (and worse, it can created with a non-nuclear device at the right spot) it would be affordable to quite a few smaller countries-or even non-nuclear groups.
The Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and a few other folks come to mind.
Quickly: A high-altitude nuclear burst (~120 km above the atmosphere wouldn’t directly kill anyone. What it WOULD do, however, is cause a massive magnetic pulse-these weapons can be “tuned” specifically top create much larger EMPs.)
This pulse does a couple of things.
1. It would convert into electricity in pretty much all metal that it does (Think a metal twist-tie in your microwave). In electronics this would probably create a voltage pulse that would destroy the circuitry. This happens both in front of and behind a surge protector, so they would be worthless.2
2. It would create a catastrophic voltage spike in power lines, which would act as huge antennae for capturing the pulse. This secondary pulse would scream into houses and business, burning out anything and everything connected, As a device ‘pops’, it would create a secondary EMP that would destroy anything near it, including an unplugged computer. (Think about how everything in a house sparks right before a lighting strike).
3. The Ionosphere would resonate and ring like a bell with the EMP, and would rebroadcast similar EMPS for SEVERAL MINUTES after the initial blast. Whatever didn’t get fried in the first firecracker would definitely get burned from the echoes.
Now, for just a second, imagine EXACTLY what losing the power grid and all electronics would do to us-and this would be cost-to-coast.
Your car would most likely stop. Middle of the freeway? Guess what-you are walking. In a plane (most are fly by wire)? The expression “In-Flight Collision With Terrain” would apply. On the operating table? Mourners please omit flowers.
In a nursing home? Oxygen generators, heat, refrigerators, all gone. No way to heat or store food, no way to transport people of supplies in or out, no way to even call anyone for help (not that they could).
Need insulin? You have about a week.
Need heart medication? 48-72 hours.
Water? (it would run until the towers run dry) maybe a week.
Don’t forget the sewers are going to back up when the pumps go down, contaminating everything.
You won’t be able to call the wife to tell her you’re gonna be late.
You’re not going to pick up your kid after school.
The grocery stores are going to get cleaned out-until people start to realize that mo0ney doesn’t have value. Then the looting will begin-followed by looting for survival.
If you have food stored, you will get labeled as a ‘hoarder’ and very easily could get everything confiscated when martial law gets declared.
Watch both ‘The Day After’ and ‘Threads’; they give a pretty accurate representation of what could happen.
And the icing on the cake? We don’t need a blackhearted villain to pull this one off-an EMP can occur naturally via a solar flare and fry us down to the rocks.
And your government is concerned about gender studies in Pakistan.