This week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis stated that he was requesting money to establish the Flordia State Guard. He said that he wanted to establish a force for the state that was not encumbered by the federal government, like the current National Guard is.
It’s a phenomenal idea that has already been met with intense scrutiny from the radical left.
They immediately started complaining that Florida should lose federal funding. They started complaining that Florida was attempting to secede from the United States. Now that may not be a bad idea, but that’s not the case at all.
Florida is simply following the lead on establishing a State Guard just like that of California and New York.
New York has a volunteer and unpaid State Guard that operates in assistance to the National Guard. They serve at the complete direction of the governor of New York and serve in various special interests of the governor and state.
California also has its State Guard. It is again, a volunteer task force that responds to natural disasters and for special security demands of the state. They are almost identical in their design and purpose.
The truth is, there are 21 other states with active State Guards in their states. They are: Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, New York, Vermont, Connecticut, Alaska, and Maryland.
DeSantis continues to be crucified for the action, which his Democratic challenger immediately complained about.
No Governor should have his own handpicked secret police.
— Charlie Crist (@CharlieCrist) December 2, 2021
But is Crist saying that California and New York should disband their State Guard? Absolutely not. In fact, he will not mention or discuss those items at all. If a Democrat does it, it is perfectly acceptable.
We need to take another look at this though. If these are under the control of the governor, and they are able to respond to security and special interest events, that is exactly what our country needs right now.
Democrats have failed to provide protection to the citizens of their states across the country. They have allowed riots and protests to break out under their leadership, watching homes and businesses be destroyed. If the federal government and other organized units under the control of Democrats refuse to protect Americans, then establish forces led by the governors who will.
It has also been proven that the federal government is slow to mobilize and respond to issues and problems. If these units are utilized appropriately, they can better serve the citizens of their state with assistance. Best of all, it’s done through a volunteer force. Americans who are willing to help Americans.
So stop with the propaganda and ridiculous claims. If 21 other states can do it, so can DeSantis and Florida. It’s just another example of how the radical left hates a real leader.