CNBC host Jim Cramer expressed outrage at Americans who have refused to get vaccinated against the Coronavirus and suggested the White House consider implementing a universal vaccine mandate nationwide.
“So it’s time to admit that we have to go to war against COVID,” Cramer said on his long-running business program “Mad Money” on Monday. “Require vaccination universally. Have the military run it. If you don’t want to get vaccinated, you better be ready to prove your conscientious objector status in court.”
In spite of the lack of a national vaccine mandate, President Biden said on Monday that the best way to protect oneself and others from all variants of coronavirus is to receive a full vaccination course and booster shots.
“If people are vaccinated and wear their mask, there is no need for the lockdown,” Biden said in a speech at the White House regarding the emergence of the latest variant of the virus, known as omicron.
Business leaders and federal officials have grappled with how to get their workers vaccinated as a vocal segment of the public and business leaders Republican members of Congress push back on vaccine requirements of any kind.
Following a lawsuit filed by 10 states against the Biden administration, a federal court temporarily blocked the COVID-19 vaccine requirement for health workers at hospitals with federal funding.
For businesses with 100 or more employees, OSHA suspended enforcement of the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate earlier this month. More than 80 million people were expected to be affected.
Cramer argued “toothless” requirements from government agencies like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration do not go far enough in requiring vaccinations and helping the country’s economy recover amid record inflation and supply chain problems.
As a personal aside, i have had the pleasure of tangling with OSHA. !st a fine for not having “recognizable” beepers on our forklifts (they had them, but were more of a chirp than a beep). Then a noise complaint because the OSHA recognized official beepers were too loud and we weren’t providing proper hearing protection. Finally, a third fine for not providing classes to train employees that in case a 4-ton towmaster is backing up in your general direction that you will need to remove your ear protection momentarily so that you can hear the beeps.
Every last bit of that should have been an exaggeration.
“Nobody wants to be the bad guy, so we’ve allowed a pastiche of uncoordinated health organizations to dictate an on-again, off-again series of measures that mostly just leave us baffled and confused,” he said. “We haven’t ever centralized the issue to the point where the White House seems to take responsibility.”
Read this again: at the same time, the Left is stirring about gun control again thanks to some stupid kid shooting up a school they are starting to whisper that the vaccine mandate should be enforced by our own military. It’s almost like something is in the works that might make us all WANT to have access to guns.
This seems to be the exact sort of governmental overreach action that necessitates the 2nd Amendment. And our own government appears to be actively considering it.