Zoe Kahn, Canada’s Chief Negotiator for the Pandemic Agreement, recently (January 23, 2025) provided an update on the status of the negotiations:
Zoe Kahn
Chief Negotiator- Pandemic Agreement
Intergovernmental Negotiating Body 13th Meeting
17–21 February 2025
READ the latest available (unofficial) version of the Pandemic Agreement
In its negotiations of the proposed Pandemic Agreement the World Health Organization has failed to address the following issues:
The World Health Organization has failed to demonstrate that the proposed Pandemic Agreement will actually improve the health of people around the world. On the contrary, it is merely a means to redistribute wealth under the guise of “equity.” The Pandemic Agreement is not about improving health. It’s a corrupt business deal designed to make countries purchase pharmaceutical products. In a world were the vast majority of people do NOT die from infectious diseases, the Pandemic Agreement amounts to a massive misallocation of funds, resources and energy. The open-ended “coordinated financing mechanism” would redirect billions of dollars towards the manufacturing of “pandemic-related products” that actually cause more harm than good. Pandemics are extremely rare events. With estimated contributions totaling $30 billion annually, the “coordinated funding mechanism” would divert valuable resources away from the primary causes of disease and death. The net result would likely be a worldwide decline in health. See Article 20
The World Health Organization has failed to conduct a thorough independent investigation into the mistakes, crimes and abuse of power that has occurred over the past 5 years. Their “lessons learned” completely ignore the harms that were caused by lockdowns, mask and “vaccine” mandates as well as the adverse health effects caused by the masks, PCR swabs, “approved therapeutics” and the “vaccines” themselves. The absence of a truly independent and impartial review of the WHO’s role and recommendations during the COVID-19 “pandemic” risks the legitimization of ineffective, failed and harmful pandemic responses. A thorough independent investigation and analysis of the past 5 years must occur before any agreement may be adopted.
The World Health Organization has failed to adequately explain what possible health benefits could arise by ensuring “equitable access” to poisonous pandemic-related products and deadly injections to the low and middle income nations that did 10-30 times better on a per capita basis than the wealthy nations that had far greater access to these unsafe and ineffective, but highly profitable pharmaceutical products.
The World Health Organization has failed to admit that travel restrictions, lockdowns, contact tracing, social distancing and mask mandates are not valid methods to contain the spread of disease and that the enforcement of these “public health measures” actually severely damaged the physical, mental and emotional health of millions of people and ripped apart the very fabric of our society. Not to mention that they are a clear violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms!
The World Health Organization has failed to admit that pretending to determine cases via inadequate RT-PCR protocols is a fraudulent and inappropriate way to attempt to diagnose disease. They have failed to address the fact that the act of inserting a swab into someone’s nasopharynx, especially when done improperly, requires truly informed consent due to the serious harm that such an invasive procedure can cause and has caused. PCRfraud.com
The World Health Organization has failed to provide evidence that the pathogen that they named SARS-CoV-2 exists anywhere outside of a computer storage device and has been properly isolated in the physical realm.
The World Health Organization has failed to provide evidence that the pathogen that they named SARS-CoV-2 is actually capable of causing of the disease that they named COVID-19 and they have failed to provide evidence that it can be transmitted from one human to another.
The World Health Organization has failed to truly identify the purported animal source of the pathogen that they named SARS-CoV-2. -
The World Health Organization has failed to identify the so-called “patient zero” who was the first human to (supposedly) be infected with SARS-CoV-2 and contract COVID-19. -
The World Health Organization has failed to explain how and why typical seasonal influenza simply disappeared when respiratory ailments were rebranded as COVID-19. -
The WHO has failed to recognize the benefits of fundamental nutrition, natural vitamins, minerals, herbs and and other non-pharmaceutical remedies. These are not included nor are they even considered to be “pandemic related health products.”
The World Health Organization has failed to recognize the benefits of repurposed essential medicines that are affordable and truly shown to be safe and effective after decades of use and they have failed to recognize that the failure to recommend the use of effective essential medicines was a catastrophic mistake.
The World Health Organization has failed to acknowledge and admit to the enormous harm that was caused by the rejection of preventative and early treatment with truly safe and effective methods and they have been silent regarding the brutal persecution of those brave souls who tried to save lives with reasonable, affordable, logical and scientifically valid protocols.
The World Health Organization has failed to recognize the deadly side effects of “approved” therapies such as remdesivir, high-flow oxygen and the misuse of Midazolam and ventilators. -
The World Health Organization has failed to acknowledge the undeniable fact that the AstraZeneca and the J&J jabs were taken off the market due to the massive amount of serious adverse events that they caused.
The World Health Organization has failed to come to terms with the fact that the COVID-19 mRNA gene-therapy injections were never studied to stop infection or transmission because they are unable to perform the most fundamental purpose associated with something referred to as a “vaccine.”
The World Health Organization has failed to define the term “safe and effective” and they continue to ignore the massive numbers of serious adverse events and deaths that have been caused by these injections.
Despite the fact that the word “pandemic” appears in the latest version of the document 200+ times, the term “pandemic” is not defined in the proposed Pandemic Agreement. The failure to define the terms “pandemic” and “vaccine,” as well as many other terms, is absolutely unacceptable. See Article 1
The World Health Organization has failed to acknowledge the reality that spending billions of dollars on a massive “One Health Agenda” for the worldwide “preventive” surveillance of pathogens with pandemic potential will only succeed in monetizing and incentivizing the discovery and spread of such pathogens.
The World Health Organization has failed to address the hazards associated with gain-of- function research as well as the desire of many people that such research be permanently stopped.
The World Health Organization has failed to address the ongoing and pervasive issue of conflicts of interest. Corporate representatives and a vast array of special interest lobbyists have been allowed to participate in the “Pandemic Agreement negotiations, but there has effectively been no true public discussion or debate. We the people neither want nor need a Pandemic Agreement, and certainly not one that fails to take our input into account. The conflicts of interest involved in the core structure of the World Health Organization are absolutely enormous. CLICK HERE and HERE for a detailed list of special interest groups that have been participating in these negotiations.
The World Health Organization has failed to justify inclusion of text which claims
that “individuals… are under responsibility to strive for the observance of the objective of the present Agreement.” It is absolutely absurd to claim to place every man, woman and child in a position of responsibility for any agreement in which their participation has largely been prohibited. The World Health Organization has failed to justify the statement that member states bear the primary responsibility for the health and well-being of their peoples. Individual men and women are ultimately responsible for their own health. -
The World Health Organization has failed to justify how the “One Health Approach” is anything more than a vague and scientifically unproven concept. The only reason that such a concept is being considered is for the all-inclusive reach that it would give to unelected bureaucrats around the world to control each and every aspect of life on Earth. See Article 1(b) and Article 5
The World Health Organization has failed to address the obvious fact that regulatory agencies around the world have been captured by pharmaceutical interests. In fact, they are profiting from it. The subsequent lowering of safety and quality standards has actually resulted in a level of adverse events that, in and of themselves constitute a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. The proposed Pandemic Agreement seeks to expedite a regulatory review and/or emergency regulatory authorization process that would surely fail to protect the health and safety of billions of people. The deeply flawed and corrupt process by which the WHO grants “authorization” for products, and the fees that it charges for “vaccines,” diagnostics, and male circumcision devices, MUST be reformed. Also, see Article 14.2(a)
The World Health Organization has failed to address the untold amount of damage that has been done to the health of millions of people by pharmaceutical drugs and injections. Rather than strengthen and globalize liability protection for pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers must be held accountable for the harm that their products continue to inflict upon billions of people worldwide. See Articles 13.6 and 13bis(8)
The proposed Pathogen Access and Benefits Sharing System would effectively monetize and incentivize the search for “pathogens with pandemic potential.” This will not make the world safer, but will have exactly the opposite effect. See Article 12
The World Health Organization has failed to justify the inclusion of cell- and gene- based therapies in the category of pandemic-related health products. It is absolutely unethical to experiment with genetic manipulation under the guise of emergency response. See Article 1(d)
The World Health Organization has failed to demonstrate why it should be given the authority to oversee and/or operate a Global Supply Chain and Logistics Network to control access to pandemic-related products. See Article 13
The World Health Organization has failed to demonstrate the need to set up yet another new bureaucracy (the Conference of the Parties) consisting of unelected, unaccountable and largely unknown bureaucrats. This will surely lead to more waste and corruption long before it helps to prevent, prepare for, or respond to any future “pandemics.” See Articles 21-37
The World Health Organization has failed to demonstrate its wisdom and expertise in improving people’s health. In fact, the health of the people of the world has been steadily declining. The World Health Organization still seems to believe that they know what is best for everyone even after having been proven to be so horribly wrong over the past 5 years. Unfiltered information must be allowed to flow from multiple sources, but the WHO assumes itself to be infallible in matters of health, superseding the true authority of individual men and women. To have any chance of preventing disease, everyone must be encouraged and enabled to openly share their own health experiences, observations and wisdom, and we must be empowered take responsibility for their own health and allowed to make their own health decisions. The World Health Organization does NOT get to decide what is true. They do NOT own the science. See Preamble #3
Full Version of Joint-Statement of 32 Civil Society Organizations For Resumed Session of 12th Meeting of WHO Intergovernmental Negotiation Body on a pandemic agreement (INB) held in WHO, Geneva (2 to 6 December 2024)
This is a statement on behalf of 32 CSOs across WHO regions, and with 8 or more participating in this meeting, either online or in person.
As CSOs, we are usually delighted to see more text getting greened—indicating progress towards a meaningful instrument with effective measures to protect public health and avoid past tragedies. However, this time, there is no excitement. Many diplomats tell us this will be a hollow treaty, with the current text resembling a “green cloth with big holes.” We have several critical questions for Member States, and we expect their responses:
Article 4: What’s new or impactful? While some define this article as a priority, they avoid negotiating meaningful measures, opting for vague future processes. Preventing outbreaks like Mpox, and ensuring they do not escalate into PHEICS or pandemics, requires urgent and practical measures, not abstract commitments to future negotiations.
Article 12: Many Members have shown willingness to negotiate substantively PABS throughout the INB process. Yet, they face extreme pressure to defer PABS discussions to a future annex. Why not now, given its centrality to the instrument? If not now, when?
Article 9: What protections does it guarantee to countries during emergencies, apart from exposing their populations to clinical trials with uncertain benefits?
Article 10: How will it strengthen manufacturing and production diversification without commitments to share technology, financing, or removing IP barriers? Are we aiming to limit WHO’s role under IHR 2005 – the only binding instrument on health emergencies?
Article 11: What remains of this article? How does it improve access to technologies? Why is it not asking Parties to improve IP laws on flexibilities for public health? The reluctance to agree to a peace clause in IP laws is detrimental.
Article 13: Why delay finalizing the Global Supply Chain Network’s basic structure and functions, which are not contested elements?
Article 19: Where is the obligation for Parties with resources and capacities to support those with limited capacities? What happened to the promise to reflect the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities without using the phrase?
Article 20: Does it generate a clear obligation to provide funds for sustainable implementation of the instrument, pandemic PPR and core health systems strengthening? Or is it only a call for project funding driven by private actors?
Even in a framework convention, a baseline of legal rights and obligations is essential for the instrument to function. The current draft shows no such baseline. Instead, it protects the interests of pharmaceutical and digital companies, not the people’s rights or globally shared interests.
We had hoped that negotiating a public health instrument for equity at WHO would yield better outcomes than what we witnessed at the WTO during the pandemic.
You still have the opportunity to be on the right side of history. We believe you can create a legally binding pandemic instrument that provides real protection for everyone, regardless of who or where they are. The world needs an instrument you can be proud of, not just a photo opportunity post-COVID-19. The possibility is in your hands.
James Roguski
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