This is one of the long-term projects of the LBGT community: erasing heterosexual women from the nuclear family. In other words, men really can do it all.
What was more surprising was the public reaction of many so-called conservative media outlets —which openly celebrated and affirmed the gay “designer baby” family. The Twitter account for PragerU was ecstatic.
The conservative-turned-liberal-turned-whatever-pays-the-bills Megyn Kelly was also thrilled for Rubin. So much for supporting women.
And Blaze TV also celebrated the news.
In case you think that it might just be a teenager running the social media account of BlazeTV, you are wrong. Here’s Glenn Beck acting as confused about religious and moral issues as any Morman can possibly be. Beck is not acting the good Christian here — he’s selling out the traditional role of women in the family for his TV audience. As for Rubin, he’s the Devil’s spokesman: the guy who claims that he doesn’t want to “eat civilization” and “move the line” is clearly doing both for the purposes of mainstreaming the gay “designer baby” family with BlazeTV’s conservative audience. If you think Rubin is the good guy here, and Beck is just displaying Christian tolerance — then you are “the mark” for this conversation and you’ve been bamboozled.
Tonight, I have a hard & honest conversation with my friend and fellow @BlazeTV host @RubinReport about his decision to have kids through surrogacy. He tells me “I get why the right has these often legitimate fears.” But that CAN’T stop us from having respectful discussions.
Not everyone at BlazeTV is happy with Beck’s bizarre approval of Rubin, I’m sure, so let’s hope they can talk some good sense into the boss. Beck has been so wrong about so much lately that it’s hard not to think that he’s permanently misplaced his moral compass the last few years in the bitter pursuit of regaining his fame. How does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his own soul? That’s a good interview question for Glenn Beck.
There were only a handful of prominent conservative voices who disapproved of Rubin’s announcement. One of them was Mark Dice.
Dave Rubin’s reaction was really all that you need to know about Dave Rubin.
The Catholic author Dr. Taylor Marshall also affirmed the traditional role and meaning of the family.
Dr. Marshall pointed out correctly that children are not merchandise. Two babies will be born to women and then be taken from their mothers to be raised by two men and will probably never see their birth mothers ever again. Does anybody really think that these two children would pick that fate for themselves?
That’s a troubling question which should haunt more conservatives. There are crucial questions that the GOP establishment and the libertarians and non-Christian “conservatives” are now unable to answer like: is marriage a bond between a man and a woman? Does a child need a mother and a father?
According to the social media accounts of too many so-called conservatives, the answer would be: no. It’s a race, now, among most of our elite conservative institutions to embrace the LBGT lifestyle while paying mere lip service to traditional values. This capitulation by the conservative movement has been captured nicely in the following meme.
Less than 10 years ago, gay marriage was banned in nearly every state in America — and now we have LBGT sex propaganda in almost every elementary school in America. The slippery slope is real. The LBGT community became hysterical last week when Gov. Ron DeSantis supported legislation to halt pedophiles from grooming 5 year children in first and second grade in public schools. That should tell you everything. They’re coming for your kids.
I can pinpoint the EXACT MOMENT parents in Florida started writing the anti-grooming legislation…
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This post originally appeared here at Emerald Robinson.